Gruppo Alpinistico Operaio (G.A.O.) Verona
Inaugurational Day of the Campalani Climb
29 June 2019 | Trento
Sixty years ago, the Campalani Climb was set by the Gruppo Alpinistico Operaio (G.A.O.) being the oldest of the Piccole Dolomiti, and this year it was renewed and inaugurated on June 29th.
The G.A.O President, Andrea Dalla Valle, invited those who took part in the project as well as all the mountain lovers which hike the Monte Carega.
They day started with the holy mass at the Chiesetta Alpina of the Rifugio Scalorbi and then the participants moved to the Campalani Climb’s starting point for the blessing of the renewed path and of the plate. Some climbers took the opportunity to try the new way.
At the Rifugio Scalorbi the group ‘Binte: storie e leggende dei Cimbri in Lessinia’ by Emanuele Zanfretta, entertained the guests in this unique place.
During the day, stories and memories have been shared among those who keep on protecting the mountain for the present and future explorers.