ESfO 7th Conference
ESfO 7th Conference University of Verona
EUFEPS Conference
When Variability Becomes an Issue in Drug Development: How to Understand, Predict and Mange?
120 participants – Logistic Secretariat
Orthofix Third Riva Congress
Orthofix Third Riva Congress
S.I.M.S.Pe. Third National Congress
200 participants – Organizing Secretariat
NSV – Negative Strand RNA Virus Meeting 2018
Thinking about the beauty of our city, Verona, it won’t be hard to imagine why so many organizers yearn for holding their international events here.
This was indeed what happened with the NSV 2018 Meeting, which chose Verona as the very best location for the 17th edition of the event and us, Iantra, as logistic Secretariat on site.
After one and a half year spent on planning, The Gran Guardia Palace was selected as the perfect venue for 450 and more participants.
The strategic position of the historic building allowed all the participants, coming from 16 different countries, to enjoy their stay in the heart of the city, being able to reach the place easily from their hotels.
For one whole week the delegates followed a full agenda with more than 20 speeches per day in the plenary room, supervised and assisted by two of our congress hostesses throughout.
Poster presentations were organized in the bright loggia of the building, used as coffee break area too.
In the evening, once the proceedings were done, 14 of our tour leaders together with certified tour guides accompanied the attendees through a visit of the beauties of Verona. Impossible not to stop at Juliet’s house courtyard, which was exceptionally kept open for us.
For the second evening the location chosen was the ‘Dogana Veneta’, an elegant building built in 1300 on the lakeside village of Lazise. Its strategic position, close to the small ancient port, made possible for our guests to enjoy the get-together-party on the lakefront. Italian finger food, as well as wines from acclaimed local wineries, were served to the guests.
Thursday evening the over 400 participants on 9 busses, headed to the exceptional location chosen for the long-awaited gala dinner: Villa Arvedi, a majestic 17th century mansion in the countryside area of Verona, at the base of the Valpantena valley.
Welcome cocktail outside, dinner served inside the amazing frescoed rooms and on the panoramic balcony of the Villa and, as a conclusion, open bar and music in the maze garden.
The success of that night was just one of the great successes achieved during the week: schedule perfectly on time, logistics accurately managed, and last but not least, delighted guests.
Reading on the ‘next year’s NSV suggestions post-it wall’: ’Thank you, my fair Verona!’ made us realize something: it was totally worth it. Our passion nailed it!
9th EADV Spring Symposium
2000 participants – Logistic Secretariat
Radiotherapy Now 4th Edition
This year the 4th edition of the annual Congress Radiotherapy Now was held in Genova, at the NH Marina Collection, facing the harbour.
The medical Congress gathered many doctors and specializing interns, hosting highly competent and internationally famous speakers in the Radiotherapy and Oncology fields.
Iantra, in charge of the Organizing Secretariat, took care of all the registrations, logistics of the speakers, assisting the direction during the presentation and by collecting sponsorships from pharmaceutical and electromedical companies.
Over the two days, the participants took part in the different sessions and had coffee breaks while interacting with the sponsors. The hospitality of the speakers took them to join a local dinner in a typical “osteria”.
Digital Congress
1st December 2020, live from the Verona Chamber of Commerce. From here we launched the seventh edition of the Congress, which this year was held digitally. A panel of renowned speakers got connected via a virtual platform to discuss relevant topics in the medical and pharmaceutical sector.
More than 100 participants attended the meeting throughout the day, punctuated by presentations, live and chat questions. A team of technicians coordinated together with the Maya Idee Secretariat and Iantra the connections with participants and speakers.
Iantra managed participants’ registrations, contacts with speakers and sponsors and interfaced with the technical service.
AIRO Congress – Technological innovations in the medical field
Iantra organized the course sponsored by Italian Association of Radiotherapy and Clinical Oncology held on October 14 in Rome, where technological innovations in the medical field were presented.
The mission of the course was to present, by selected topics, the state of the art and future perspectives regarding the role of Imaging in Radiation Oncology Therapy.
Ruolo della Radioterapia nel trattamento del paziente oligometastatico
Recentemente, sono sempre più numerose le evidenze cliniche sull’impiego della Radioterapia Stereotassica nel trattamento di tumori primari e metastatici, con efficacia e sicurezza dimostrate in studi clinici randomizzati.
La Radioterapia Stereotassica è una tecnica di radioterapia in cui, grazie ad una tecnologia altamente sofisticata, è possibile somministrare alte dosi di radiazioni con estrema precisione a bersagli tumorali di piccole dimensioni.
Questa modalità di trattamento è cruciale sia nella fase precoce delle neoplasie quando il bersaglio è rappresentato dal tumore primitivo sia nella fase oligometastatica, con l’obiettivo in entrambi i casi di indurre la completa remissione di malattia.
Scopo di questo Convegno è di esaminare gli aspetti clinici e dosimetrici della Radioterapia Stereotassica nel trattamento della malattia oligometastatica e le potenziali interazioni con l’immunoterapia e le terapie target.
VM Retina Meeting
Great success for the VM Retina Meeting! International Congress of the IRCCS Negrar Ophthalmology Department in collaboration with the University of Munich.
With more than 700 international participants, a state-of-the-art programme and talks by some of the most experienced and influential speakers in the field. But above all, with simultaneous live surgeries from 8 operating theatres around the world, we made it possible to share knowledge and innovations in the field of ophthalmology.
Thanks to the extraordinary scientific content, the support of the sponsors and the work of the Organizing Secretariat, we created an unforgettable event at the Palazzo della Gran Guardia in Piazza Bra, Verona. Special thanks to all participants, delegations and speakers.
Next stop: Munich 2026!