New Subaru Forester Press Launch

New Subaru Forester Press Launch

In mid-January took place the launch of the new Subaru Forester, flagship of the Japanese car company, with an event that had two objectives: first, to present the new car and test it on different paths, and then offer guests an experience not traditional but high level, which would reflect the characteristics of the Forester. Five back-to-back groups for a total of 120 journalists from all over Italy, Croatia and Slovenia. The daily programme included time in the classroom and test drive, both on road and off road. Snowy Unforgettable location: Delser Manor House, Verona.

Marangoni Tyre Convention

Marangoni Tyre: Mexico Convention

Honda Convention

Honda Convention

Volkswagen TVTB Event

Volkswagen TVTB Event

Subaru Dealer Meeting

(photo by Ennevi)

VW Fleet Workshop

Inside the amazing structure of the Winter Garden at the Crowne Plaza Verona took place the workshop dedicated to VW Fleet specialists and during the evening the award ceremony for certified fleet manager.

40 participants in two days and and 9 cars displayed in the Winter Garden.

Subaru Snow Drive Experience

Subaru Snow Drive Experience took place at the Tonale Pass from February 28th to March 2nd. The event, dedicated to the Italian automotive press, was planned to test the Subaru range and reaffirm the “Safety First” concept under the supervision of the Subaru Driving School.

The two-day event allowed all journalists to live firsthand this exciting experience in the snow capped setting of the Pass.
Iantra took care of all organizational aspects.

Volkswagen T-ROC Service Experience

The Volkswagen training event T-ROC Service Experience took place at the headquarters of Volkswagen Italy on 15th-28th February.

The event was dedicated to the account executives of the dealerships and to the service partners of the Volkswagen net: 800 participants subdivided into 10 working days.

The works have engaged the participants in meetings, dynamic test drives on roads and technical tests on the Proving Ground.

Iantra took care of the organization and logistic aspects of the event.

Berner Convention #bhungry

The #bhungry claim was the key to the Convention that ended with an evening of fun.
Again this year, we collaborated with Berner planning the annual convention.

Vicenza Exhibition Center, the chosen venue, is an avant-garde structure characterized by a modern architecture and wide spaces which gave the possibility to host more than 650 guests, coming from all around Italy.

Berner Convention #bhungry Vicenza

The staff included more than 20 members, a key element in order to guarantee a smooth coordination throughout all the duration of the event: transfers, logistics, safety and welcome desk registration.

Berner Convention #bhungry Vicenza

The special guest of this edition was a motivational speaker and performance coach: Alex Bellini. The explorer who faced all kinds of adventures around the world gave a speech on personal and business growth, conveying the message that continuous improvement and motivation can only be achieved by teamwork and passion.

The convention named #bhungry ended with a gala dinner and party.

SEAT Music Awards

Verona hosted the SEAT Music Awards on September 2nd and 5th, and that was the perfect occasion for the journalists from the main national newspapers to test the new SEAT Leon. A

A panoramic test drive took them to an exclusive location on Lake Garda and then to the city centre where an exceptional tour was waiting for them. The SEAT MÓ eKickScooter 25 was the star of this event: the journalists discovered Verona from another point of view.

At the end of the day, dinner in Piazza Bra and concert in Arena.
Mood: energy, innovation and rhythm.

SEAT Music Awards 2021

We were very happy to cooperate with SEAT Italia on the 2021 edition too,  for the two evenings of the SEAT Music Awards event in the Verona’s Arena.

Guests were welcomed at the NH Collection Palazzo Verona hotel, the starting point for a guided tour of the city aboard the new SEAT MÓ 125.

Two evenings in the Arena for the SEAT Music Awards, which saw the participation of 80 artists and important Italian TV performers.

Berner Party 2022

After the third edition of Berner Family, which allowed the almost 400 participating employees to experience the workspace in an alternative way and together with their loved ones, we set off on the Berner Party Tour.

Berner Party, a travelling event that saw the participation of more than 500 agents and employees of the company.

A tour organised by Berner Italia to celebrate together, to meet and compare notes after a year of great achievements.

Three evenings of fun, good food and good music in Perugia, Milan and Naples.

Cassa Centrale Group 2024 Convention

When collaboration and the sharing of visions can trace the path to collective success.

At the Aqualux in Bardolino, Iantra organized an event for the Cassa Centrale Group, bringing together directors, managers, and top management for two days of intense strategic reflection.

We created a space for dialogue and sharing, aiming to outline the future through an in-depth examination of crucial issues for the Group’s development.

“Audi. Land of Quattro” Test Drive

“Audi. Land of Quattro” Test Drive

RQWC: Retail Qualification World Championship

Retail Qualification World Championship

Volkswagen event addressed to the best Technical Managers, Managers Clients, Consultants and responsible Warehouse Sale of the entire network Volkswagen Group Italia.
The event took place at Villa Cordevigo (Cavaion Veronese, Verona) and at the headquarters of Volkswagen Group Italia in Verona.

New Marangoni Meteo HP

New Marangoni Meteo HP